Facebook Verification
We have received a lot of requests from people to describe the Facebook verification process. The Facebook verification is not rocket science, it is more simple then create a Facebook page or Facebook Profile. Let us describe it in detail with simple steps that you can understand easily.
Types of Verification
In the past, There were 2 types of verification on Facebook. Facebook Verification with Blue Badge and Facebook verification with Gray Badge. Now in 2020, there are only one verification is available that is Blue Tick Facebook or Blue Badge verification as gray badge verification is no longer available. You can verify the Facebook page or verify Facebook account with a blue badge. Let’s describe how to do that in easy steps.
How to Get Verified on Facebook with your Profile or FaceBook Page [Blue Tick Facebook]
First of all, I am sorry to say that every profile or page is not eligible for verification. to make your page or profile eligible for facebook verification you should have to complete the following 4 steps.
your Profile or page must represent a real person with the real name of person or company with valid and complete information as required by Facebook for verification.
Your personal Facebook profile or page must be unique with a unique name. you are only allowed to have one profile or one Facebook page on the official Facebook website to get verified. if you have multiple Facebook pages then you are not eligible to verify Facebook account or verify the Facebook page.
To Verify Facebook account or page you must have to complete with real information including about section should be complete. You must have a real photo for the profile or professional real logo for the company or organization. you also should have at least 1 post on Facebook profile or page.
Your account or page must be well known and searched by many people. The most of personal pages are fine for verification with the first 3 steps but 4 step is hard to achieve for organizations and large companies.
How to ensure you meet all the requirements before the verification request?
Verify Facebook Page
Post high quality original and unique professional contents, in that way its feels like you are a legal brand with professionalism. you should develop website of your company or brand and link that website to your page or profile. On the Facebook page, you will see a lot of information about the section that can you should fill. You should fill all the valid and accurate detail of all boxes in about section including your website, your phone no, your address and so on, Try to provide all the detail. More you provide there is more chance to get verified on Facebook.
Verify Facebook Account
To verify the Facebook profile you should have a website registered with your name and that name should be your name in Facebook profile. Make sure your profile is public and visible to all. You must have a few hundred followers 500 is perfect.
Steps for verification Process
Once you are sure that your profile or page is meet all the requirements and criteria for verification then it’s a time to go ahead for the verification process.
Open the Offical Link to get verified on Facebook. Now a box will appear in front of you, there will be 2 options. You have to select one of them whether you are verifying the Facebook page or your profile.
To Verify Facebook page just select the page and for the profile select the profile and also provide your profile id in the provided small box. in the second step you have to upload the picture of your Govt issued ID Card if you are a single person. and if you are a small or large organization then you have to upload the scan copy of any of the documents asking in the Box.
At the bottom of the page, there will be headline Aditional information, in this section, you have to tell the reason to Facebook why you are going to verify Facebook page or profile. Keep in mind that make it short and clear, you can also mention your website link in the Aditional information section.
Click on the send button and wait for the reply from Big Brother Facebook. It may take 1 to 30 days to get a reply.
Frequently asked Questions
Who can get Verified on Facebook?
There is no restriction or limitation from Facebook for persons or organizations to get verified on Facebook. Anyone who can fulfill the 4 criteria stated by Facebook can get Facebook verified.
What is the link to request for verification on Facebook?
Click Here of the official Facebook verification process.
What are to benefits to verify Facebook page or account?
The most important advantage is the value of your business or brand. Your clients will trust you and consider you the real, legal, and serous to business. Your business credibility will go high in the eye of your clients when they see Blue Badge on your profile. The second most important advantage is that Facebook verified pages will rank higher in Facebook search results as well as on Google search results, without any doubt it will also boost your business to the next level.
How much time Facebook will take to approve or reject your verification request?
For a gray badge verification, it will take only 48 hours to the 1-week maximum to get a response, and for a blur badge verification, it will take 1 to 30 days to get a response from Facebook, always try to keep eyes on your profile support box.
Why Did Facebook reject my verification request?
There might be several reasons for rejection but the most are given below.
you did not write decisive enough information or your provided ID information is a blur and not clear. You don’t have enough content on the page relevant to your page, you have to understand Facebook will never verify the dead page without enough native information on your page. Always keep in mind before applying for verification you must follow the above-provided instructions and during verification follow them carefully as Facebook is too restrict and will never verify until you provide the accurate information with all other detail mention above. If you are rejected you can reapply after 30 days.
What is the Difference between Gray and Blue Badge?
In October 2019 facebook stop to offer gray badge and now gray badge no longer available to anyone. There is only Ble badge is available right now. The reason to stop offering gray badge is that there was confusion for users to get a gray or blue badge.
The Blue Badge is for Large Brands and Media Companies, on the other hand, Gary badge is for small companies or stores.
Some Aditional information Required for Specific persons
There is some additional information for some specific persons to get verified on Facebook. These are included Government Official, Politicians, and Law enforcement agencies.
Law enforcement
anyone who manages the law enforcement agency page must turn on 2FA for the profile. Otherwise, the page will not be Facebook verified and you will receive a rejection.
City Government
To Verify Facebook Page for city government, your page name must have the word [Government] in the Title of the page. Page title means in the name of the page you must have the word Government.
The Page verification for a politician you must have a government assign name in the page name such as MP, mAYOR, PM, etc.
Elected Official
The page name must include a word which represents the elected official such as MP, PM, etc. Your page category must be set as a government official while creating the page. in the about section of the page, we must describe that this page represents the government.
Final Words
on Facebook, if you need to verify the Facebook page or verify Facebook account it is not tough as you think. You just need correct and detailed information you, about your company or brand. if you are verified on Facebook congratulations. If you are trying to verify then read the guideline carefully and then apply for verification.
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